Welcome to Room for Reflection TV
On my mission to teach ONE MILLION children to fill their hearts with love as they fall asleep, I am blessed to meet a lot of kindred AMAZING spirits on GREAT journeys. As I discuss my favourite topics – children and parenting – with them at dinners and conventions all over our beautiful globe, I often think – I wish I could have recorded this conversation and shared it with my followers. So here we go. On my TV channel you get to meet some of the most inspiring people I know. Some interviews are marked with a Danish flag – so you are warned if you don’t speak Danish. The rest are in English. If you have questions regarding bookings for speaking, summits or podcasts – go to my press site.

Børn, søvn og trætte forældre
I denne episode taler jeg med søvnvejleder Mia B. Bjørnfort, som også er talsperson for Foreningen Sovende Børn. Emnet er børn og søvn.
Conscious Parenting
Every time I meet Karen Shaw and we share a stage her message always resonates in me. We are both very passionate about conscious parenting. In this episode we discuss what Parenting Magic is all about.
Mindful education
Join me in my interview with amazing Jackie Wilson from the UK, who like me, is passionate about getting mindfulness into the schools.

Spørg psykologen om Corona
I denne episode taler jeg med psykolog Stine Hæk om, hvordan vi kan hjælpe bekymrede børn igennem Coronakrisen. Vi taler også om, hvad der kommer til at ske, når skoler og daginstitutioner åbner op igen. Stine Hæk er medforfatter på bogen Monstermanualen til børn med mange bekymringer.
How you parent is mesurable in your heart rate variability!
In this episode, I talk to former HeartMath Institute CEO, Bruce Cryer, about what a strong heart connection means when we parent. With science Bruce is able to explain why peaceful parenting is so efficient and wonderful at bedtime.
Your host
Gitte Winter Graugaard is your host on Room for Reflection TV. She is a bestselling author with book sales all over the world in several languages. In 2019, Gitte gave her first TEDx speech and was awarded “The Top ten Healers” title by the Energy healing Magazine in the UK. Gitte has created Room for Reflection and this TV channel to help families with children for more peace, be more present and turn up the love in their everyday life. On this channel, she interviews various experts to help us with current challenges as families with children.